Are you experiencing tooth discomfort, gum tenderness, or recurring bad breath? Chances are that if you’re feeling any of these symptoms, Baton Rouge dentist Dr. James Hargrove may suggest a standard dental cleaning or scaling and root planing (dental deep cleaning) procedure. But what is the difference between these two procedures? Is one better for your teeth than the other? With so many factors to consider and distinctions to be made between the two procedures, it can often be challenging for patients to understand which option best suits their needs. Our experienced dental team is here to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way, which is why we’ve taken some time to explain the stark differences between scaling and root planing and traditional dental cleaning.
While both procedures involve cleaning the teeth and gums, they serve different purposes. Standard dental cleanings focus on removing plaque and tartar from the visible parts of the teeth and gums, as well as checking for any issues with the teeth or gums.
Conversely, scaling and root planing is a more intensive cleaning procedure that involves getting rid of bacteria, plaque, and tartar both above and below the gum line. It is typically recommended for patients with advanced gum disease, as it can help prevent the progression of the disease and the loss of teeth. While both types of cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health, scaling and root planing are more specialized periodontal treatment that is reserved for those who need them.
Not all cleanings are created equal. While standard dental cleanings remove surface-level plaque and tartar buildup, scaling and root planing are more intensive treatment that targets below the gumline. In a way, scaling and root planing is like a deep cleaning for your teeth and gums. It involves removing hardened buildup and smoothing out rough areas on the roots of your teeth, which not only helps prevent further damage but can also reverse gum disease in some cases.
Number of Appointments
Many patients are familiar with the routine of traditional dental cleaning. However, when it comes to the early stages of gum disease or bad breath, a deeper level of cleaning may be necessary. Typically, scaling and root planing are more involved than a standard cleaning and may require multiple appointments to fully complete. This is due to the thoroughness needed to ensure that all areas are cleaned and treated effectively.
Regular or Deep Dental Cleaning Baton Rouge: Azalea Dental Has You Covered
Taking good care of your teeth is critical. Ultimately, the overall health of your teeth depends on your commitment to a healthy oral hygiene routine. Don’t wait any longer to take control of your oral health- contact Azalea Dental to find out how we can help you make an informed decision about scaling & root planing versus a simple dental cleaning in Baton Rouge. With our professional guidance and superior service, you can trust that Dr. Hargrove will place your dental needs first. Let us help you establish a confident, sparkling smile today!